Bruce Beasley and the Coriolis Series
Credits: Jeffrey Spahn Gallery, Oakland, CA | Video & Production: Joseph Seif

Additional Bruce Beasley videos

The Frank Presents: Bruce Beasley - The Rondo Series

The Frank Presents: Bruce Beasley - From Metal Shop to the MoMA

The Frank Presents: Bruce Beasley - Crystal and Steel

The Palo Alto Public Arts Commission - Present! - Bruce Beasley: An Interview

The Frank Presents: Bruce Beasley - Transparent Sculpture

Pangolin London Presents - Unveiling Bruce Beasley's Advocate

Make: Magazine - The Sculpture and Wonder of Bruce Beasley

Autodesk - Bruce Beasley Sculpture Gallery at One Market

Erasedculture - Bruce Beasley 'Breakout II' : Sculpture In The City, London 2015

Pangolin London Presents - Bruce Beasley: Technology To Touch

Autodesk ReCap - Bruce Beasley: 3D Printed Sculpture - From Scan to Mesh